
The Control & Systems Theory (CST) Seminar at the Technion is usually held on Mondays at 11:30. The CST seminars are organized by Christian Grussler (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering).

The default time and location is

Day: Monday (bi-weekly)
Time: 11:30 – 12:30
Location:  Room 217, D. Dan and Betty Kahn Bldg., Technion – IIT
Virtual (not for in-person seminars): Zoom ID 7050439546

Deviating times and locations will be announced together with the seminar and posted in the calendar! CST announcements are distributed by an archived mailing list located at: http://listserv.technion.ac.il/cst-l.html

The above link can also be used to subscribe to the mailing list: after opening the link, click on in the right upper corner, which will open the subscribe option.

Hope to see you all at the CST seminars!

Christian Grussler, ME, Technion
CST organizer


Scheduled Seminars

2024-08-05Nikolay NikolaevAn approach to adaptive observer synthesis based on parameter estimation